Mueso del Henerica Espanola Skip to main content

Mueso del Henerica Espanola


Museo de la Herencia Española, a virtualized case-study simulation, offers students the opportunity to participate in meaningful work experiences. These experiences are designed to give students an accurate look into the dynamics and expectations of professional museum processes.

Built by a collaborative effort between BYU’s English, Spanish, and IT departments, Museo de la Herencia Española is a fictional museum in Spain which “hires” students as part of the exhibit team working on a special project centered on the Spanish Civil War. Over the course of the project, students will acquire professional skills through completing assignments that will expect them to adapt to a target audience, connect past events to the present, and work as a team to create a cohesive exhibit.

The Museo de la Herencia Española simulation focuses on creating an authentic experience that is also interactive and fun. Interesting characters and an interesting story arc help keep students engaged with the content they are learning. The web interface keeps things streamlined and organized while adding to the immersive nature of the simulation.

Through this simulated case-study, students will learn the genres of professional museum design while using critical thinking to organize artifacts into a cohesive theme and logical flow. The unique form of project based learning creates a new and effective environment for the realization of these opportunities.

Museo de la Herencia Española, a virtualized case-study simulation, offers students the ability to participate in meaningful work experiences. These experiences are designed to give students an accurate look into the dynamics and expectations of museum research and design.